stack uts
#include <iostream>#include <conio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int stack[11]; //There are 11 data in the data stack
void menu ()
cout<<"1.Push\n2. Pop\n3. Clear\n4. Print\n5. Exit\nPilihan Anda : "; //For show menu
int push (int j) //input data on the stack
if (j<10)
if(j==-1) // indicates data are not yet available, it must be inputted first
j=0; //indicators index
cout<<"Masukkan Data (int) = ";
cin>>stack [j] ;//stack data inputted and j as the value of the associated array indexing
cout<<"Data berhasil dipush\n";
j++; //the associated array indexing incremented by 1
cout<<"Stack penuh, harap lakukan pop data dahulu\n"; //to see if the sentence out //stack full
return j; //get value j
int pop (int j) //input data on the stack
if(j>=0) //indicates the data already exists
cout<<"Nilai j : "<<j<<endl; //show value j
j--; //nilai j berkurang 1
cout<<"Nilai j : "<<j<<endl;
cout<<"Data "<<stack[j]<<" Dipop\n"; //display data from the value stack indexing dg j
cout<<"Stack kosong,harap lakukan push data dahulu\n"; //the views that will come out when the previous conditions are not met
return j; //returns a value j
void print (int j) //display stack
if(j>=0) //indicates that the data is there
for(int i=j-1;i>=0;i--) //loop to display the stack that has been inputted data or the data//already push
cout<<"["<<stack[i]<<"]\n"; //Display stack
cout<<"Stack kosong,harap lakukan push terlebih dahulu\n";
main ()
int i=-1,pilih; //i variable declaration and select a data type integer
system ("cls"); //for clear screen
menu (); //calling the function menu
cin>>pilih; //include the value of select the appropriate menu displayed
if(pilih==1) //if select equals 1
i=push(i); //calling the function push
cout<<"Jumlah isi stack : "<<i<<endl;
getch ();
goto start; //repeat to start
else if (pilih==2) //if select equals 2
i=pop(i); //call the function pop
cout<<"Nilai i : "<<i<<endl;
getch ();
goto start;
else if (pilih==3) //if select equals 3
for(int x=0;x<i;x++)
stack[x]=NULL;//NULL = kosong
i=-1; //change of -1 means the index becomes empty or no array -1
cout<<"Semua data terhapus\n";
goto start;
else if (pilih==4) //if select equals 4
print(i); //call the function print
goto start;
else if (pilih==5) //if select equals 5
cout<<"\n\nTerima Kasih\n";
cout<<"Input salah\n";
goto start;
return 0;
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